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Peter Gabriel - Modern Love

Music Video
ArtistPeter Gabriel
SongModern Love
DirectorPeter Medak
Sound MixStereo
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown


Hey, I'm feeling so dirty, you're looking so clean
All you can give is a spin in your washing machine
I fly off to Rome to my prima bella
She leaves me in the rain with telescopic umbrella
Ooh the pain - Modern love can be a strain [repeated]

I trusted my Venus was untouched in her shell
But the pearls in her oyster were tacky as hell
For Lady Godiva I came incognito
But her driver had stolen her red hot magneto
Ooh the pain - Modern love can be a strain [repeated]

I don't know why they leave me in the lurch
© Peter Gabriel - Modern Love. This is an excerpt, provided as citation under fair-use.

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