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Moments In Grace - Stratus

Music Video
ArtistMoments In Grace
DirectorLaurent Briet
Sound MixStereo
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown


Feeling the sunlight breaking down our souls, learning that love will soon be the sign promise
of new days, and a new day will be born. Feeling the sunlight beating down us all, I will wait
here inside the stolen one in love for all. And I cry for the death of our dove. Another lover
paints the sky. I lie awake alone with these burning scars and the sunlight is gone. The stratus
covers the sky you lie upon and I can't wait. And we, we could lie there together. And we, we
could lie there forever. And we, we could lie there together. And we, we could die there
together. The stratus covers us all.


© Moments In Grace - Stratus. This is an excerpt, provided as citation under fair-use.

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