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A Tribe Called Quest - Oh My God

Music Video
ArtistA Tribe Called Quest
SongOh My God
DirectorJosh Taft
Sound MixStereo
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown


Chorus Q-Tip:
Oh My God (16X)

Listen up everybody the bottom line
I'm a black intellect, but unrefined
With precision like a bullet, target bound
Just livin like a hooker, the harlett sounds
Now when I say the harlett, you know I mean the hot
Heat in the equator, the brothers in the pot
Jalick, Jalick ya wind up ya hip
Draftin of the poets, I'm the #7 pick
Licks, licks, licks boy on your backside
© A Tribe Called Quest - Oh My God. This is an excerpt, provided as citation under fair-use.

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