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A Tribe Called Quest - Award Tour

Music Video
ArtistA Tribe Called Quest
SongAward Tour
DirectorJosh Taft
Sound MixStereo
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown


chorus Dove from De La Soul:
We on Award Tour with Muhammad my man
Goin each and every place with the mic in their hand
New York, NJ, N.C., VA
We on Award Tour with Muhammad my man
Goin each and every place with the mic in their hand
Oaktown, L.A., San Fran, St. John

People give your ears so I be sublime
It's enjoyable to know you and the concubine
Niggaz, take off your coats ladies, act liike chorus Dove from De La Soul:
We on Award Tour with Muhammad my man
© A Tribe Called Quest - Award Tour. This is an excerpt, provided as citation under fair-use.

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