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Xavier Naidoo - I'd Be Waiting

Music Video | 2003
ArtistXavier Naidoo
SongI'd Be Waiting
DirectorTibor Glage
EditorAndreas Bardet
Sound MixStereo
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown
VFX Companynhb video


Ref. I'd be waiting- waiting for a lifetime I'm sure
I'd be waiting- waiting for a lifetime and more

if that serious alliance lies ahead
let every necessary word be said
remembering the blood that we've shed
keep it mind that there are things we must forget

beware of tragedy left right and center
don't allow hell on earth to enter
get rid off all the damage in your head
remember there's an enemy in your bed

© Xavier Naidoo - I'd Be Waiting. This is an excerpt, provided as citation under fair-use.

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