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Felix da Housecat - Madame Hollywood

Music Video | 2001
ArtistFelix da Housecat
SongMadame Hollywood
DirectorTimo Frank
DirectorAndreas Bardet
DirectorTim Tibor
EditorTim Tibor
SynopsisTim Tibor
GenreElectronica (Techno, Ambient, Jungle,...)
Production Companynhb Hamburg
Companies involved in ProductionWEA
Full StoryTim Tibor
Production costs40,000 EUR
Production time6 weeks
Script/Written byAndreas Bardet
Script/Written byTim Tibor
Song NominationsWMC Awards 2003 "best video"
Sound MixStereo
Technical Specificationsunknown
VFX Companynhb Hamburg
VFX SupervisorAndreas Bardet
VFX SupervisorTim Tibor
VFX SupervisorTimo Frank


Everybody wants to be hollywood
The fame, the vanity, the glitz, the stories
One day I'll become a great big star
You know like the big dipper
And maybe one day you can visit my condo
On the big hill you know like 9-0-2-1-0

Just imagine my face in the magazine
People analyzing my look, my body or
Any plastic surgery.

You know like the big dipper
And maybe one day you can shake
My hand on the planet Hollywood
© Felix da Housecat - Madame Hollywood. This is an excerpt, provided as citation under fair-use.

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