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Eskobar - Into Space

Music Video
SongInto Space
DirectorDaniel Börjesson
Director of PhotographyEric Maddison
Sound MixStereo
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown
Video Stream URLviva407


Some go into space, to find another race
Some say it's a waste, and some, they rest their case
I've got love in my own place, to me itâs a waste, this chase
I find no trace, in you, IN you

You gotta take your time, free your mind
Leaving you and me behind,
Don't you ever cross that line
To where you can't let go...

You have to open up, step inside
A universe within you'll find
You don't have to travel skies
© Eskobar - Into Space. This is an excerpt, provided as citation under fair-use.

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