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Bush - The People That We Love

Music Video | 2001
SongThe People That We Love
AlbumGolden State
LyricsGavin Rossdale
Notesthis song was originally called _Speed Kills_, but the title had to be changed due to the 9/11
Sound MixStereo
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown


Speed kills coming down the mountain
Speed kills coming down the street
Speed kills with presence of mind and
Speed kills if you know what I mean
Got to feel - woke up inside again
Got to feel less broke more fixed
Got to feel when I got outside myself
Got to feel when I touched your lips
The things we do to the people that we love
The way we break if there's something we can't take
Destroy the world that we took so long to make
We expect her gone for some time
I wish her safe from harm
© Bush - The People That We Love. This is an excerpt, provided as citation under fair-use.

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