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Bon Jovi - Hey God

Music Video | 1996
ArtistBon Jovi
SongHey God
AlbumThese Days
DirectorMatt Mahurin
Director of PhotographyMatt Mahurin
Sound MixStereo
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown


Hey God, I'm just a little man got a wife and family
But I almost lost the house
Yeah, I bought into the dream
We're barely holdin' on, when I'm in way to deep
We're two paychecks away from living out on the streets

She's a workin' single mom, like a Saint she doesn't complain
She never says a word, but she thinks that she's to blame
Her son just got convicted, he blew some punk away
She did her best to raise him, but the world got in the way

Hey God - Tell me what the hell is going on
Seems like all the good shits gone
© Bon Jovi - Hey God. This is an excerpt, provided as citation under fair-use.

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