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Take That - Back For Good

Music Video
ArtistTake That
SongBack For Good
DirectorVaughan Arnell
Director of PhotographyAndy Earl
Sound MixStereo
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown


I guess now it's time for me to give up
I feel it's time
Got a pictureof you beside me
Got your lipstick mark still on your coffee cup
Got afist of pure emotion
Got a head of shattered dreams
Gotta leave it,gotta leave it all behind now

Whatever I said, whatever I did I didn'tmean it
I just want you back for good
Whenever I'm wrong just tell methe song and I'll sing it
You'll be right and understood

© Take That - Back For Good. This is an excerpt, provided as citation under fair-use.

Title Relations

┌─────────────────────────────────┐  influenced by   ┌───────────────────────────┐
│ The Wanted "Walks Like Rihanna" │ ···············> │ Take That "Back For Good" │
└─────────────────────────────────┘                  └───────────────────────────┘

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