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Melanie B. - Tell Me

Music Video | 2000
ArtistMelanie B.
SongTell Me
DirectorNigel Dick
Director of PhotographyJo Willems
EditorDeclan Whitebloom
Art DirectorAndrew Norris
Art DirectorAndy Mackay
Production CompanyDickfilms[df400](Phil Barnes)
Assistant DirectorBerry Wasserman
Hair StylistMichael Boadi
Make-UpKaye Montana
Production time2 days
Script/Written byNigel Dick
Set LocationLittle Brook Power Station Dartford, Kent, Great Britain
Sound MixStereo
StylistHeather Mary Jackson
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown
TelecineJais Thierry Lamaire
poprJordan Freid


What made you think I would be fooled
I now see through you
And you're the fool
Tell me
How do you feel when you see me
And I disregard you
There's someone new
And they're true
I can't believe I was so blind I didn't see
That you couldn't be the type of man to meet my needs
Strangest thing is everyone tried to tell me
But I did what they told me not to

© Melanie B. - Tell Me. This is an excerpt, provided as citation under fair-use.

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