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Janet Jackson - Doesn't Really Matter

Music Video | 2000
ArtistJanet Jackson
SongDoesn't Really Matter
AlbumSoundtrack _Nutty Professor_
DirectorJoseph Kahn
NotesJanet fell 6 meters deep during filming this video.
Sound MixStereo
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown
Release date


Hmm, he-he
Oh, hey
Doesn't matter (It doesn't matter)
Doesn't matter at all

Doesn't matter what your friends are telling you
Doesn't matter what my family's saying too
It just matters that I'm in love with you
It only matters that you love me too

It doesn't matter if they won't accept you
I'm accepting of you and the things you do
Just as long as it's you
© Janet Jackson - Doesn't Really Matter. This is an excerpt, provided as citation under fair-use.

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