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Methods Of Mayhem - New Skin

Music Video | 2000
ArtistMethods Of Mayhem
SongNew Skin
DirectorGregory Dark
Companies involved in Production48 Windows, Santa Monica
Guest Appearances (Musician+Label)Dona Richardson - post mixer/sound designer
NotesSound Design and Mix by Dona Richardson
Sound MixStereo
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown
Release date


Tommy Lee - Now im shedin my skin ya gotta listen to me ill tell ya what I
see never believe whatcha read the shit is spreadin like a disease
never feel withdrawn time to move on get your groove on say
goodbye everything must die solidify and fly to a new level a place where love
is unconditional physical and non-denomiational

Tommy Lee - Like a snake shed my skin leave my past where
i've been...can you feel what I feel to hold on must be killed
don't cry over whats been spilled, can you feel what I feel?
Yeah Yeah, Yeah you! Can you feel what I feel?
Yeah Yeah, Yeah you! Can you feel what I feel?

Kid Rock - See the kid rock bumpin up and down
© Methods Of Mayhem - New Skin. This is an excerpt, provided as citation under fair-use.

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