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Jaguar - XKR (all new 2007 model introduction)

TV Commercial | USA | 2007
Client Cars (Ford Motor Company)
MusicThe Blues Explosion - Help These Blues
EditorNeil Gust
Art DirectorPatrik Bolocek
Art DirectorKristina Williams
LocationRome, Italy
LocationMallorca, Spain
AgencyEuro RSCG Worldwide, New York
Agency Producer (Car Footage)Lorraine Yurshansky
Agency Producer (Lifestyle Footage)Robin Feldman
Assistant EditorMatt Jacob
Audio HouseBerwyn Editorial
Base ConformMatt Jacob
Co-Director of Broadcast Business AffairsCathy Pitegoff
Co-Director of Broadcast ProductionJoe Guyt
CopywriterJason Kreher
CopywriterEric Bertuccio
Creative DirectorAlicia Johnson
Creative DirectorHal Wolverton
Director (Car Footage)Gary Holder
Director (Lifestyle Footage)Michel Comte
Director of Photography (Car Footage)Steve Albins
Director of Photography (Lifestyle Footage)Ellen Kuras
Editorial HouseOutside Editorial
Executive Creative DirectorJeff Kling
Executive Producer (Car Footage)Linda McKenzie
Executive Producer (Jaguar)Erik Iversen
Executive Producer (Lifestyle Footage)Barbara Manfredini
Executive Producer (Lifestylöe Footage, Commercial Vehicles)Mark Kovacs
Flame ArtistSteve Mottershead
Graphic DesignJaime Lamond
Location Services (Car Footage)Palma Pictures
Music ResearcherAdam Lawrence
Post ProducerPatricia Higgins
Producer (Jaguar)Lorraine Yurshansky
Production (Lifestyle Footage)Barbara Manfredini Associates
Production Company (Car Footage)Tangerine Films (UK)
Production Services (Lifestyle Footage)The Box Films
Runtime90 seconds
Sound MixEric Thompson

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