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Apple iPod+iTunes - Seventy

TV Commercial | 2006
ClientApple iPod+iTunes
DirectorMark Romanek
Director of PhotographyJim Fealy
MusicWolfmother - Love Train
EditorGlenn Martin and Joaquin Machado
EditorJim Rodney
EditorMaya Hawke
ProducerScott Kaplan (at Anonymous Content)
Agency ProducerSerena Auroux
Agency ProducerCheryl Childers
Agency ProducerMike Refuerz
Production CompanyLogan
Production CompanyDave Morrison)
Production CompanyAnonymous Content
AgencyTBWA/Chiat/Day, Los Angeles
Agency ProdSofia Akinyele
Biz SectorRock
Companies involved in Production Nomad Editing, Santa Monica
CreativeDemian Olivera
CreativeEric Grunbaum
CreativeDuncan Milner
CreativeKrista Wicklund
Creative DirectorLee Clow
NotesMusic is by Wolfmother - Love Train.
Production time1 day
Sound MixStereo
Spot NameSeventy
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown
Release date

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