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Carl's Jr. - Spicy BBQ Burger

TV Commercial | 2005
ClientCarl's Jr.
Biz SectorFood (Excluding Confectionary, Desserts & Snacks)
Full StoryParis Hilton washing a Bentley in sexy clothing and eating a giant burger.
Note2carls jr
Note2paris hilton
NotesParis Hilton washing a Bentley. So what? you might ask. But this ad for Carl's Jr.'s Spicy BBQ Burger rocketed to internet-hype-heaven faster than the makers could wish for. Some call it a soft-porn others an old-fashioned ad. You have to decide yourself. Carl's Jr. devoted a complete website to this campaign, including wallpapers and behind-the-scenes footage.
Sound MixStereo
Spot NameSpicy BBQ Burger
TalentHerself - Paris Hilton
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown
Release date

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