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Visa - Race

TV Commercial | 2002
AdvertiserVisa International
DirectorDavid Cornell
EditorClayton Hemmert
ProducerKati Haberstock (at Headquarters / Bicoastal)
Agency ProducerDavid Frankel
Production DesignerRick Hanson
Production DesignerRon Palumbo
Production CompanyHeadquarters / Bicoastal
Account SupervisorNicole Merrick
Biz SectorCredit Cards
Companies involved in ProductionCrew Cuts(Editing Company)
Executive Creative DirectorJimmy Siegel
Script/Written byJimmy Siegel, Elliot Riskin
Sound MixStereo
Spot NameRace
TalentMichael Johnson
TalentJason Sehorn
TalentJohn Andretti
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown
Release date

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