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Dulux Paint - Plasticine [You Find the Colour, We'll Match It.]

TV Commercial | 2001
AdvertiserICI Paints
DirectorAnnie Gallimore
EditorAlistair Jordan
ProducerJason Kemp (at Outsider Ltd)
Agency ProducerKate Taylor
Production DesignerPaul Brazier
Production CompanyOutsider Ltd
Account ExecutiveVictoria Austin
AgencyAbbott Mead Vickers BBDO Ltd
Biz SectorPaints, Wood Protectors, Paint Brushes, Adhesives
Executive Creative DirectorPeter Souter
Script/Written byNick Worthington
Sound MixStereo
Spot NamePlasticine [You Find the Colour, We'll Match It.]
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown

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