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Budget Car Rental - Aromatherapy

TV Commercial
DirectorDante Ariola
EditorMacKenzie Cutler
ProducerHelen Williams (at Propaganda Films)
Agency ProducerNick Felder
Production DesignerJason Gaboriau
ProductCar Rental
Production CompanyPropaganda Films
Account ExecutivePaul Schmidt
AwardsAmerican Advertising Awards, ADDY, 2000 (ADDY)
Cannes Lions - International Advertising Festival, 2000 (Gold Lion Campaign)
CLIO Awards, 2000 (Bronze)
Biz SectorCar Rental
Script/Written bySteve Doppelt, Eric Silver
Sound MixStereo
Spot NameAromatherapy
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown

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