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Levi's Levi's Sta-Prest - Flat Eric: Cruising/ Police and ID (One Crease.)

TV Commercial | 1999
DirectorQuentin Dupieux
MusicMr. Oizo - Flat Beat
ProductLevi's Sta-Prest
ProductLevi's Sta-Prest
Biz SectorApparel, Fashion & Footwear
Full StoryDirector Quentin Dupieux invented Flat Eric, the puppet, for this spot and the commercials, cruising the streets with his friend Angel in an old Ford, quickly became classics. Levi's managed to turn around the image for its Jeans label and Flat Eric began a short career as music video star and pop-culture star.
Set LocationLos Angeles, California, USA
Sound MixStereo
Spot NameFlat Eric: Cruising/ Police and ID (One Crease.)
TalentAngel ((unknown))
TalentFlat Eric (Flat Eric)
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown

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