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Barbara Schmitt

So far we've got credits spanning the years %1 to %2.


Buick - Observatory
TV Commercial
Garvin Institute - Prostate
TV Commercial
Folkhalsoinstitutet Public Health Information (Condom use)(Product) - The Tatoo
TV Commercial
Fralib The Elephant - Giggles 2
TV Commercial
Fralib The Elephant - Skier
TV Commercial
Poolia Temporary Staff - Police [Need Help ?]
TV Commercial
Poolia Temporary Staff - Woman [Need Help ?]
TV Commercial
Allstate - Piano
TV Commercial
Land Rover - Just be patient
TV Commercial
adidas; Adidas (Brand) - Women's Water Polo
TV Commercial
Adidas - Pyramid
TV Commercial
American Legacy Foundation - Truth Anti-Tobacco Education - Splode [Truth]
TV Commercial
American Legacy Foundation - H-Bomm
TV Commercial
BMW Diesel - Drop
TV Commercial
Buick - Fantasy Golf
TV Commercial
Charles Schwab Investment Services - Picabo Street
TV Commercial
Charles Schwab Investment Services - Trash Talk [Smarter Investor]
TV Commercial
Sprite - Iced
TV Commercial
Sprite - Rough Ride
TV Commercial
Chrysler - Cart Love
TV Commercial
Chrysler - Hand
TV Commercial
Chrysler PT Cruiser - Stroller
TV Commercial
Daimler Chrysler Five Star - Football
TV Commercial
Jeep - Lost
TV Commercial
Mercedes-Benz - Gang
TV Commercial
Mercedes-Benz - Slingshot
TV Commercial
Del Webb Del Webb Communities - Live On
TV Commercial - The Debate
TV Commercial
FedEx Shipping Services - Oz
TV Commercial
ElÚphant Elephant flavoured teas - The Brushes
TV Commercial Financial Paper - Thelma
TV Commercial Internet Site - Lira
TV Commercial
Garvan Institute of Medical Research - Bodies
TV Commercial
GMX - Better to say it by e-mail
TV Commercial
Haas Pavilion Haas Pavilion - Exam
TV Commercial
Heineken Beer - The Correction [It's All About the Beer]
TV Commercial
Heineken Beer - The Dilemma [It's All About the Beer]
TV Commercial
Heineken Beer - The Premature Pour [It's All About the Beer]
TV Commercial
Heineken Beer - The Wrong Bar Car [It's All About the Beer]
TV Commercial
Honda - Theater Odyssey
TV Commercial
Hyundai Coupe - Mondo Paradiso
TV Commercial
Kellogg's Special K - For Our Daughter
TV Commercial
Salon Selectives - Customized Family
TV Commercial
Lorillard Anti-Smoking Message - Piercing Parlor
TV Commercial
Map Mobile Communications SmartBeep Pager - Big Idea
TV Commercial
Map Mobile Communications SmartBeep Pager - Sumo - Gone
TV Commercial
M&M's Chocolate Candies - Clown
TV Commercial
MTV - Cocaine [Flat Erica]
TV Commercial
MTV - Flat Erica (Part 2) [Flat Erica]
TV Commercial
MTV Toni Kostka - Damn Kids
TV Commercial - Airplane
TV Commercial
OnStar - Batcave (long version) [Batman]
TV Commercial
Mountain Dew Soft Drink - Cheetah
TV Commercial
Pepsi-Cola Diet Pepsi - Seems Fitting
TV Commercial
Polaroid Joycam - Shopping
TV Commercial
Polaroid Joycam - Spin the camera
TV Commercial
Pretty Polly Bras - Ooooh
TV Commercial
Reebok Finish Line - Poison Oak [Better Advice]
TV Commercial
Reebok Finish Line - Really Hungry [Better Advice]
TV Commercial
Sacramento Kings - Shepherds
TV Commercial
Sacramento Kings - Tribesmen
TV Commercial - Cherries Flambe
TV Commercial - Dinner Party
TV Commercial - Golf
TV Commercial
Staples - Futureman
TV Commercial - Bar Scene
TV Commercial
Virgin Net - Freedom
TV Commercial
Virgin Net - Worldly Pleasures
TV Commercial
Visa - First Date (Jason Alexander)
TV Commercial
Volkswagen - Chase
TV Commercial
Volkswagen Passat - Bad Listener [Secret]
TV Commercial
Volkswagen Passat - Imposter [Secret]
TV Commercial
Volkswagen Passat - On Tour [Secret]
TV Commercial
Volkswagen Passat - Parenthood [Secret]
TV Commercial
Wyndham Hotels - Cirque du Soleil
TV Commercial
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