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(Tony Cantale)

So far we've got credits spanning the years %1 to %2.


Victoria's Secret - What is Sexy? - Fall 2002 (60 sec) [What is Sexy ?]
TV Commercial
Victoria's Secret Body Line - Gisele [What is Sexy ?]
TV Commercial
Victoria's Secret Body Line - What is Sexy? - Fall 2002 [What is Sexy ?]
TV Commercial
Nissan - Shift [Shift]
TV Commercial
Infiniti Q45 - Power of Speech
TV Commercial
Directorate of Naval Recruiting / COI Royal Marines Recruitment - Strength of Mind
TV Commercial
IKEA Embrace The Autumn Event - Dog
TV Commercial
Jaguar X-Type - Snow Plow
TV Commercial
Nationwide Building Society - Every Minute - Football
TV Commercial
Olivio Bertolli - Banana [Olivio Bertolli]
TV Commercial
Olivio Bertolli - Doctor [Olivio Bertolli]
TV Commercial
Olivio Bertolli - Exposure [Olivio Bertolli]
TV Commercial
Olivio Bertolli - Football (German Version) [Olivio Bertolli]
TV Commercial
Olivio Bertolli - Football [Olivio Bertolli]
TV Commercial
Olivio Bertolli - Handdown [Olivio Bertolli]
TV Commercial
Olivio Bertolli - Holiday [Olivio Bertolli]
TV Commercial
Olivio Bertolli - Lilo [Olivio Bertolli]
TV Commercial
Olivio Bertolli - Tug [Olivio Bertolli]
TV Commercial
Waitrose - Blue Stilton Cheese
TV Commercial
Waitrose - Christmas Champagne Pudding
TV Commercial
Waitrose - Culemborg Pinotage, Western Cape Red Wine
TV Commercial
Waitrose - English Farmhouse Shoulder Lamb
TV Commercial
Waitrose - Fresh Icelandic Cod / Fish
TV Commercial
Waitrose - Indian Meals
TV Commercial
Waitrose - Milk
TV Commercial
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