Aveeno Essentials Print Model
Does anyone know who the Aveeno Active Naturals print model is? I met her three years ago. She thought I was good looking and funny and I haven't been able to forget her. Sera never told me her last name and I haven't seen her since. Sera was still grieving for her husband at the time and I didn't want to hurt her in any way. She told me she wasn't ready to date just yet, It has been three years and I was curious to know if she is ready now? I met Sera in a small Minnesota town and I haven't seen her since. I would like to ask her out if she is ready to date. Sera has green eyes and long brown hair and stands 5'6" tall. I don't meet many print models where I live and Sera is the one woman I can't live without.
A heart touching story, can't help you with the name but I hope you'll find her!
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