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Clipland Forum Short Films

Short film from 1970's "Who Are You, Josey?"

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# 1 18 years ago

I'm looking for the actual name of a movie.

While at a youth retreat, I saw a movie about ten years ago. It looked to be from the late 70's. About 30 minutes long, it featured the story of a man named Josey who helped lots of people. He taught a sick boy to play the mandolin, helped a prostitute fins a better life, etc. We was shot to death at the end of the movie trying to help someone else. The tag line throughout the movie was "Who are you, Josey?" I think the inference is that he was an angel maybe.

If anyone can remember anything (name, more details) about this movie, please shoot me an email at . I'll send a nice present from American Samoa in the south pacific.
# 2 18 years ago

> I'm looking for the actual name of a movie.
> While at a youth retreat, I saw a movie about ten years ago. It looked to be from the late 70's. About 30 minutes long, it featured the story of a man named Josey who helped lots of people. He taught a sick boy to play the mandolin, helped a prostitute fins a better life, etc. We was shot to death at the end of the movie trying to help someone else. The tag line throughout the movie was "Who are you, Josey?" I think the inference is that he was an angel maybe.
> If anyone can remember anything (name, more details) about this movie, please shoot me an email at . I'll send a nice present from American Samoa in the south pacific.
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