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full story of pangako sayo

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# 1 18 years ago

hi every body; i am a camerounian girl and i want you please to send me the full story of the fantastic PANGAKO SAYO; would amor know that yna is her child? would yna and angelo get married? would claudia pay for her crimes? Now, in cameroon, we are seeing where angelo is seriously injuried after his wedding with felicity; THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP !
# 2 18 years ago

> hi every body; i am a camerounian girl and i want you please to send me the full story of the fantastic PANGAKO SAYO; would amor know that yna is her child? would yna and angelo get married? would claudia pay for her crimes? Now, in cameroon, we are seeing where angelo is seriously injuried after his wedding with felicity; THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP !
# 3 18 years ago

> hi every body; i am a Ghanaian girl and i want you please to send me the full story of the fantastic PANGAKO SAYO; would amor know that yna is her child? would yna and angelo get married? would claudia pay for her crimes? Now, in cameroon, we are seeing where angelo is seriously injuried after his wedding with felicity; THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP !
# 4 18 years ago

> hi every body; i am a Ghanaian girl and i want you please to send me the full story of the fantastic PANGAKO SAYO; would amor know that yna is her child? would yna and angelo get married? would claudia pay for her crimes? Now, in Ghana, we are seeing where angelo is seriously injuried after his wedding with felicity; THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP !
# 5 18 years ago

> > hi every body; i am a zambian girl and i want you please to send me the full story of the fantastic PANGAKO SAYO; would amor know that yna is her child? would yna and angelo get married? would claudia pay for her crimes? Now, in zambia, we are seeing where angelo is seriously injuried after his wedding with felicity; THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP !
# 6 18 years ago

> hi every body; i am a camerounian boy and i want you please to send me the full story of the fantastic PANGAKO SAYO; would amor know that yna is her child? would yna and angelo get married? would claudia pay for her crimes? Now, in cameroon, we are seeing where angelo is seriously injuried after his wedding with felicity; THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP !
# 7 18 years ago

> > hi every body; i am a camerounian boy and i want you please to send me the full story of the fantastic PANGAKO SAYO; would amor know that yna is her child? would yna and angelo get married? would claudia pay for her crimes? Now, in cameroon, we are seeing where angelo is seriously injuried after his wedding with felicity; THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP !
# 8 18 years ago

> hi every body; i am a camerounian girl and i want you please to send me the full story of the fantastic PANGAKO SAYO; would amor know that yna is her child? would yna and angelo get married? would claudia pay for her crimes? Now, in cameroon, we are seeing where angelo is seriously injuried after his wedding with felicity; THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP !
# 9 18 years ago

> > hi every body; i am a Ghanaian girl and i want you please to send me the full story of the fantastic PANGAKO SAYO; would amor know that yna is her child? would yna and angelo get married? would claudia pay for her crimes? Now, in Ghana, we are seeing where angelo is seriously injuried after his wedding with felicity; THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP !
# 10 18 years ago

> > hi every body; i am a camerounian girl and i want you please to send me the full story of the fantastic PANGAKO SAYO; would amor know that yna is her child? would yna and angelo get married? would claudia pay for her crimes? Now, in cameroon, we are seeing where angelo is seriously injuried after his wedding with felicity; THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP !
# 11 18 years ago

> > hi every body; i am a Ghanaian girl and i want you please to send me the full story of the fantastic PANGAKO SAYO; would amor know that yna is her child? would yna and angelo get married? would claudia pay for her crimes? Now, in cameroon, we are seeing where angelo is seriously injuried after his wedding with felicity; THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP !
# 12 18 years ago

> > hi every body; i am a Ghanaian girl and i want you please to send me the full story of the fantastic PANGAKO SAYO; would amor know that yna is her child? would yna and angelo get married? would claudia pay for her crimes? Now, in cameroon, we are seeing where angelo is seriously injuried after his wedding with felicity; THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP !
# 13 18 years ago

> hi every body; i am a kenyaq boy and i want you please to send me the full story of the fantastic PANGAKO SAYO; would amor know that yna is her child? would yna and angelo get married? would claudia pay for her crimes? Now, in cameroon, we are seeing where angelo is seriously injuried after his wedding with felicity; THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP !
# 14 18 years ago

hi Ghanian Girl(I did not see ur name.Hi hope u are alright.Well amora is going to know that Yna is her real daughter.But before that she would have tomented poor yna.well I don;t know if yna gets to marry angelo cos i have not seen all of it yet.U can reach me later for mare details my adress is am waiting

# 15 18 years ago

> hi every body; i am a camerounian girl and i want you please to send me the full story of the fantastic PANGAKO SAYO; would amor know that yna is her child? would yna and angelo get married? would claudia pay for her crimes? Now, in cameroon, we are seeing where angelo is seriously injuried after his wedding with felicity; THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP !
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