Chicken little SONG!!! HELP
I know on the short trailers/commercials for chicken little they used 2 songs. "End of the world" by REM , but the song im looking for I have no idea what title it is. I hear it on the trailer/commercial when they are dancing around the screen. If u know the song please let me know thanks
The title is 'Dragostea Din Tei' by 'O-Zone'. some called it 'numa numa'. hope tis info is useful.
> I know on the short trailers/commercials for chicken little they used 2 songs. "End of the world" by REM , but the song im looking for I have no idea what title it is. I hear it on the trailer/commercial when they are dancing around the screen. If u know the song please let me know thanks
If anyone saw late night with conan o'brien friday 11/25/05 or thursday 11/24/05... there was a song sang by "chicken little' that was funny... not the actual song but one making fun of it... i am dying to know what it was and how to get it!
I've been looking for it myself and I found it.
It's called 'Numa Numa'
> The title is 'Dragostea Din Tei' by 'O-Zone'. some called it 'numa numa'. hope tis info is useful. > > > I know on the short trailers/commercials for chicken little they used 2 songs. "End of the world" by REM , but the song im looking for I have no idea what title it is. I hear it on the trailer/commercial when they are dancing around the screen. If u know the song please let me know thanks >
> I know on the short trailers/commercials for chicken little they used 2 songs. "End of the world" by REM , but the song im looking for I have no idea what title it is. I hear it on the trailer/commercial when they are dancing around the screen. If u know the song please let me know thanks
> I know on the short trailers/commercials for chicken little they used 2 songs. "End of the world" by REM , but the song im looking for I have no idea what title it is. I hear it on the trailer/commercial when they are dancing around the screen. If u know the song please let me know thanks alanna: me to i got the song but dont now what its called ether please help me find the name
it's called dragostea din tei..go check it out..lyrics are in romanian
> I know on the short trailers/commercials for chicken little they used 2 songs. "End of the world" by REM , but the song im looking for I have no idea what title it is. I hear it on the trailer/commercial when they are dancing around the screen. If u know the song please let me know thanks
> I know on the short trailers/commercials for chicken little they used 2 songs. "End of the world" by REM , but the song im looking for I have no idea what title it is. I hear it on the trailer/commercial when they are dancing around the screen. If u know the song please let me know thanks
If you ever got the title pls. forward it to me thanks, my baby really likes dancing with the song but I cant always repeat the trailer :)
> I know on the short trailers/commercials for chicken little they used 2 songs. "End of the world" by REM , but the song im looking for I have no idea what title it is. I hear it on the trailer/commercial when they are dancing around the screen. If u know the song please let me know thanks
If you ever got the title pls. forward it to me thanks, my baby really likes dancing with the song but I cant always repeat the trailer :) My E-mail
I hear it too, but i'm still looking for the title, little bit info that maybe can help that the song not english> I know on the short trailers/commercials for chicken little they used 2 songs. "End of the world" by REM , but the song im looking for I have no idea what title it is. I hear it on the trailer/commercial when they are dancing around the screen. If u know the song please let me know thanks
Hi I got it the song"Dragostea din tea" by o-zone> I hear it too, but i'm still looking for the title, little bit info that maybe can help that the song not english> I know on the short trailers/commercials for chicken little they used 2 songs. "End of the world" by REM , but the song im looking for I have no idea what title it is. I hear it on the trailer/commercial when they are dancing around the screen. If u know the song please let me know thanks >
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