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Levi's Going Away Present commercial - who's the actor?

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# 1 19 years ago

Anyone recognize the actor in the current Levi's ad "The Going Away Present"? The ad features a guy creating an exact copy of his favorite jeans to give to his girlfriend (all to the tune of "Easy"), while sneakily keeping the originals for himself. The guy looks very familiar, but I can't figure out the movie/tv show I remember him from. It bugs me every time I see the commercial.
# 2 19 years ago

It's the actor who plays Trey, Ryan's brother, on The O.C.

> Anyone recognize the actor in the current Levi's ad "The Going Away Present"? The ad features a guy creating an exact copy of his favorite jeans to give to his girlfriend (all to the tune of "Easy"), while sneakily keeping the originals for himself. The guy looks very familiar, but I can't figure out the movie/tv show I remember him from. It bugs me every time I see the commercial.
# 3 19 years ago

> Anyone recognize the actor in the current Levi's ad "The Going Away Present"? The ad features a guy creating an exact copy of his favorite jeans to give to his girlfriend (all to the tune of "Easy"), while sneakily keeping the originals for himself. The guy looks very familiar, but I can't figure out the movie/tv show I remember him from. It bugs me every time I see the commercial.
# 4 19 years ago

> Anyone recognize the actor in the current Levi's ad "The Going Away Present"? The ad features a guy creating an exact copy of his favorite jeans to give to his girlfriend (all to the tune of "Easy"), while sneakily keeping the originals for himself. The guy looks very familiar, but I can't figure out the movie/tv show I remember him from. It bugs me every time I see the commercial.
# 5 18 years ago

I would love to know too!!!! Anyone please???

> > Anyone recognize the actor in the current Levi's ad "The Going Away Present"? The ad features a guy creating an exact copy of his favorite jeans to give to his girlfriend (all to the tune of "Easy"), while sneakily keeping the originals for himself. The guy looks very familiar, but I can't figure out the movie/tv show I remember him from. It bugs me every time I see the commercial.
> >
# 6 19 years ago

> I have a bet going with my husband that it is not Bradley Stryker, the guy who plays Trey Atwood, Ryan's brother, in " The O.C." If you find out who it is please drop me a line.
# 7 19 years ago

yeah. me and my friend have been trying to figure it out for two days... no clue
# 8 19 years ago

He isn't an actor. He and his brother do modeling. His brother is in Yurman print ads and the Levi's guy can also be seen on the Garnier Fructise displays at your local store. I know his family but I have never met him.
> > Anyone recognize the actor in the current Levi's ad "The Going Away Present"? The ad features a guy creating an exact copy of his favorite jeans to give to his girlfriend (all to the tune of "Easy"), while sneakily keeping the originals for himself. The guy looks very familiar, but I can't figure out the movie/tv show I remember him from. It bugs me every time I see the commercial.
> >
# 9 19 years ago

Yes, It is the guy Tray from the OC, Ryan's brother...Logan Marshall-Green.
# 10 19 years ago

> Anyone recognize the actor in the current Levi's ad "The Going Away Present"? The ad features a guy creating an exact copy of his favorite jeans to give to his girlfriend (all to the tune of "Easy"), while sneakily keeping the originals for himself. The guy looks very familiar, but I can't figure out the movie/tv show I remember him from. It bugs me every time I see the commercial.

This was written by someone else and I found it while looking for the same actor... Anyone know?
# 11 19 years ago

This was bothering me also. I think that the actor is Justin Chambers who is currently on Grey's Anatomy. I checked on; it didn't mention anything about the commercial, but I'm sure that it's the same actor.

> Anyone recognize the actor in the current Levi's ad "The Going Away Present"? The ad features a guy creating an exact copy of his favorite jeans to give to his girlfriend (all to the tune of "Easy"), while sneakily keeping the originals for himself. The guy looks very familiar, but I can't figure out the movie/tv show I remember him from. It bugs me every time I see the commercial.
# 12 19 years ago

> > Anyone recognize the actor in the current Levi's ad "The Going Away Present"? The ad features a guy creating an exact copy of his favorite jeans to give to his girlfriend (all to the tune of "Easy"), while sneakily keeping the originals for himself. The guy looks very familiar, but I can't figure out the movie/tv show I remember him from. It bugs me every time I see the commercial.
> >

yeh its trey from the oc
# 13 18 years ago

> Anyone recognize the actor in the current Levi's ad "The Going Away Present"? The ad features a guy creating an exact copy of his favorite jeans to give to his girlfriend (all to the tune of "Easy"), while sneakily keeping the originals for himself. The guy looks very familiar, but I can't figure out the movie/tv show I remember him from. It bugs me every time I see the commercial.
> I don't know, but I was trying to find out because he's my freaking twin. My cousin pointed it out to me, and it's really weird. I was like, "Huh?, I don't remember making this commercial."
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