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erin j.... singing a song called "my perfect ten" or "my perfect 10"

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# 1 19 years ago

Hi..i've been trying to find this song called "my perfect ten" or "my perfect 10" sang by a girl by the name of Erin J.... (not quite sure what her last name is). Possibly Jaime or Jaimes. Does anyone know her or the song ?

# 2 19 years ago

I heard that song on the cell phone commercial and thought it was great. I have been trying to find it but can't. She has a great voice does'nt she?
# 3 19 years ago

> I heard that song on the cell phone commercial and thought it was great. I have been trying to find it but can't. She has a great voice does'nt she?
# 4 19 years ago

Just log onto, has all her info and music samples
# 5 19 years ago

Go to There you can download the video of the commercial. Haven't found an audio only version of the song.

# 6 19 years ago

> Hi..i've been trying to find this song called "my perfect ten" or "my perfect 10" sang by a girl by the name of Erin J.... (not quite sure what her last name is). Possibly Jaime or Jaimes. Does anyone know her or the song ?
> Bob

I was looking for the same thing. I've found out that it's a song for the company Net 10. I don't know if it existed before the commercial or not, but apparently she only preforms it for the commercial. That's all I could find for now.

# 7 19 years ago

> Hi..i've been trying to find this song called "my perfect ten" or "my perfect 10" sang by a girl by the name of Erin J.... (not quite sure what her last name is). Possibly Jaime or Jaimes. Does anyone know her or the song ?
> Bob
# 8 19 years ago

It is Jamies...I've been trying to find it too with no luck so far.

> Hi..i've been trying to find this song called "my perfect ten" or "my perfect 10" sang by a girl by the name of Erin J.... (not quite sure what her last name is). Possibly Jaime or Jaimes. Does anyone know her or the song ?
> Bob
# 9 19 years ago

> > Hi..i've been trying to find this song called "my perfect ten" or "my perfect 10" sang by a girl by the name of Erin J.... (not quite sure what her last name is). Possibly Jaime or Jaimes. Does anyone know her or the song ?
> >
> > Bob

It's Erin Jaimes. She has a website The song isn't on her album though. As far as I can tell, it never existed before the Net 10 commercial.

# 10 19 years ago

The song is from a Net Ten commercial. They are holding a contest for singer using this song written by Itaal Shur. You can find the words and music at

Hope this helps.
Mrs. B.

> Hi..i've been trying to find this song called "my perfect ten" or "my perfect 10" sang by a girl by the name of Erin J.... (not quite sure what her last name is). Possibly Jaime or Jaimes. Does anyone know her or the song ?
> Bob
# 11 19 years ago

Her name is Erin Jaimes and she has not released that song on CD, but you can hear it online at:

Erin's website is

Hope this helps!
# 12 19 years ago

im trying to figure out that song too. i saw it on that cell phone comercial and i wanted to learn that song on the guitar. but i cant find it anywhere.
# 13 19 years ago

> Hi..i've been trying to find this song called "my perfect ten" or "my perfect 10" sang by a girl by the name of Erin J.... (not quite sure what her last name is). Possibly Jaime or Jaimes. Does anyone know her or the song ?
> Bob
# 14 19 years ago

I believe Erin Jaimes is a blues singer from Texas, band called Erin Jaimes and her bad habits. Like yourself, I loved her voice on the Net10 commercial song, My Perfect 10. As best I can tell, this song is just a jingle written for Net10. It can be found at Erin Jaimes has a website at
# 15 19 years ago

your the sun in the morning
your the stares in my eyes
we got the kind of conncetion
that keeps me sasitified
all i ever wanted is a love that never ends
when i think about it over and over again
your my perfect ten
thats my net 10
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