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Song in new Heineken commercial

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# 31 17 years ago

yea does anyone know where i can find the piano piece at the end of the heineken commercial with the space probe???
# 32 18 years ago

> yea does anyone know where i can find the piano piece at the end of the heineken commercial with the space probe???

Did you find the name of that piece? I love love love it. if you know that name could you please send me an e-mail? Thanks.
# 33 17 years ago

I asked Heineken corp the same question and this is what they said:

"That commercial is called "Pathfinder", and the music is a soundalike of Moloko's "Bring it Back".
Thank you for contacting Heineken USA, we appreciate your interest and comments. "

On a personal note, I think the song is called "Sing it back" and not "Bring it back".
# 34 18 years ago

> does anyone know the song of the heineken commercial where the the guy enters a place (called the Green store?maybe?) and the people dance when holding a heineken?
# 35 18 years ago

did you find the name of the song?
# 36 18 years ago

> I asked Heineken corp the same question and this is what they said:
> "That commercial is called "Pathfinder", and the music is a soundalike of Moloko's "Bring it Back".
> Thank you for contacting Heineken USA, we appreciate your interest and comments. "
> On a personal note, I think the song is called "Sing it back" and not "Bring it back".
For the commercial where the girl sits next to a guy in a bar, gets a free beer from him, dissappears to another guy, gives him the beer, then the words come on screen, "The Hustle"
# 37 18 years ago

> > yea does anyone know where i can find the piano piece at the end of the heineken commercial with the space probe???
> Did you find the name of that piece? I love love love it. if you know that name could you please send me an e-mail? Thanks.
# 38 18 years ago

anyone know the song in the new heineken advert where the three guys are dancing in the street?
# 39 18 years ago

It is a "remix" of Moloko - Bring it Back
Unreleased version!
# 40 18 years ago

Teddybears Sthlm & Mad Cobra - Cobrastyle
# 41 18 years ago

> On a personal note, I think the song is called "Sing it back" and not "Bring it back".

You are corret:
It is a piano version of it, the "Moloko - Sing It Back [can 7 1930's mix]"
# 42 17 years ago

Does anyone know the name of the song that is played in the spanish heineken premium light commercial?
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