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Clipland Forum TV Commercials

“Dumb phone” commercial from early 2010’s

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Hey everybody, I’ve been trying to track down a funny old commercial for a few years and have had absolutely no luck finding it. I can’t remember what it was advertising at all, but I have an almost photographic memory of the skit. There’s an older guy (I believe in a white shirt) sitting at a desk with a landline phone he says “this is how a phone should be: a button for each number. So called ‘smart phones’ have 2, maybe 3 buttons max. So what if I want to dial a 4? Well, not so smart now, is it?” Then it cuts to whatever the ad was for (probably a smartphone of some sort). At the end, somebody tells him “nice phone!” I’ve never been unable to find a commercial before and it’s really eating me up. Thanks in advance!
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