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Clipland Forum TV Commercials

Super Bowl LII (2018 Superbowl 52) - Are the commercials already known?

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Christopher Brusic
Is already known which ads will air during Superbowl 52?
I mean, is there a list or something of the commercials which will air on Sunday during the commercial breaks, in between the Philadelphia Eagles vs. New England Patriots game?
Edited by moderator on Thu Feb 1 19:50:22 2018
# 2 7 years ago

Mh, dunno. But Wikipedia has this statement about what is planned:

"Anheuser Busch has, as it has done in previous Super Bowls, purchased multiple commercials in the game, advertising Bud Light, Stella Artois and Michelob Ultra. For the first time since Super Bowl VIII, the company will not feature the Budweiser Clydesdales in a Super Bowl commercial."
# 3 7 years ago

What's already known from browsing the web is:
Amazon, Coca Cola, Hulu, HBO, Jeep, Dodge, Toyota and Procter & Gamble will advertise during this year's Super Bowl.

I found commercials for Toyota, Lexus, KIA, Groupon, Pepsi and Squarespace to be scheduled to air during the game.
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