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How many commercials are based on this premise

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# 1 11 years ago


The scene cuts to ordinary working individuals going about their ordinary workdays when a Pulse or low base boom is heard. It cycles though a few scenes like this as the background music slowly grows louder.

Eventually the people 'follow' the pulse and all end up at the same destination.

I can't tell if i'm making this up or actually describing something i've seen in the past.

Thanks in advance to all,


The music th
# 2 11 years ago

For me, this sounds like an episode of The X-Files but I can't name a single one. Also, just thinking about the film title "The Gathering" evokes this kind of images - although I've never seen the film.

All in all it sounds like a "they are among us" SF story, or something where people are "reprogrammed" or infected with some mass-hypnotisation via media and then they react to some trigger.

Anyway, it sounds so familiar - even when I don't know the actual scene/film/series - it sounds like a staple idea not very new... But some commercials tend to pick up themes from current blockbuster films.
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