A 90's commercial where the ending the scene transformed into a disco dance floor...
I think it was late 90's or beginning of 2000's and there's only 3 elements i remember. There was a guy trying to score with a basketball, an elderly woman and at the end the guy and the background transforms into a disco dance floor and eveybody starts to dance....the end is hilarious but the thing that struck my mind is the disco song playing at the end.
I need to know the name of the song because i remember when i heard it in the commercial i got goose bumps and man it brought back old memories and i felt so good...
I realy need to go back there.
Help me to find the commercial to find what song was in it.
I think there's a granny in the commercial and at the beginning the guy plays basketball and always misses the net and then everythig turns around and shifts to that disco scene....
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