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Clipland Forum TV Commercials

Cold medicine commercial from the 80's or 90's

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# 1 14 years ago

There's a guy with a cold sitting in a crappy diner and the guy next to him (maybe wearing a construction worker helmet) says, with a thick Brooklyn accent, "how about some nice herbal tea". Anybody remember what the commercial was for, or who the guy in the helmet is? I saw him in Whole Foods today and I'm trying to find a clip of something he was in so my wife will remember him.
# 2 13 years ago

Shamwow commercial is pretty sweet. The one Vince makes for Eminems new album is pretty funny. Oh the uses! Shampon? Anyone?
# 3 14 years ago

You make a great point. Got some great information here. I think that if more people thought about it that way, they'd have a better time understanding the issue.

[URL=]commercial insurance[/URL]
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