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Clipland Forum TV Commercials

LG Touch-Phone Commercial Song.

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# 1 16 years ago

I'm looking for the name of the song or the artist used in LG's latest cellphone commercial. It's the one with the red-headed kid who is always being told he can't touch things and it follows him as he grows up. First he's told not to touch a vase by his mother, then his girlfriends knee by his girlfriend and when he sees an aston martin the alarm goes off when he goes near it. In the end a woman gives him a phone that he's admiring and let's him touch it, following the theme of the touch-phone ad. It kinda sounds like a Spanish song, not too sure. It's a guy that's singing it. He really only says one line and I'm not sure if he's actually saying anything. It sounds like he's saying "oh hey ya" but
# 2 16 years ago

Can't find it anywhere on the web!
# 3 16 years ago

i would love to get the name of the artist / the song as well. it's definitely in arabic though.
# 4 16 years ago

does anyone know where the video is? i can't find it on youtube!
# 5 16 years ago

i know exactly what commercial you're talking about...i THINK it's just a 'jingle' and not a full song..but try searching under LG Touch - as the song name...and artist...'Eggplant'...
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