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Clipland Forum TV Commercials


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# 1 18 years ago

What the f**k's the name of that piece of music from the old nescafe commercial in the 80's. Spanish sounding. You know the one (da da da da.. da da da da.. da da da da..)
Hope that helped!!!!
Give me some names.........................................
# 2 18 years ago

Maria Precy
> What the f**k's the name of that piece of music from the old nescafe commercial in the 80's. Spanish sounding. You know the one (da da da da.. da da da da.. da da da da..)
> Hope that helped!!!!
> Give me some names.........................................
# 3 18 years ago

hey there,
did you find out what the music was? I need it for a video im putting together. If you have it would you mind emailing it to me?
> What the f**k's the name of that piece of music from the old nescafe commercial in the 80's. Spanish sounding. You know the one (da da da da.. da da da da.. da da da da..)
> Hope that helped!!!!
> Give me some names.........................................
# 4 18 years ago


I'm also looking for the same piece played in that old Nescafe Commercial.
Please send me a link where i can download it from.Hope you reply soon.

# 5 18 years ago

I have your answer- the song is "La Colegiala" by Rodolfo Y Su Tipica. Was a Top 10 hit throughout Europe. I would like to locate a clip of the original commercial. My search so far has been unsuccessful. Any help?
# 6 18 years ago

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
# 7 18 years ago

> What the f**k's the name of that piece of music from the old nescafe commercial in the 80's. Spanish sounding. You know the one (da da da da.. da da da da.. da da da da..)
> Hope that helped!!!!
> Give me some names.........................................
# 8 18 years ago

> I have your answer- the song is "La Colegiala" by Rodolfo Y Su Tipica. Was a Top 10 hit throughout Europe. I would like to locate a clip of the original commercial. My search so far has been unsuccessful. Any help?
# 9 17 years ago

hey buddy if you found the name of the song can you tell me plase cause im looking for the same one :o)
# 10 17 years ago

I FOUND IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
David Lenis - La Colegiala
# 11 17 years ago

> I have your answer- the song is "La Colegiala" by Rodolfo Y Su Tipica. Was a Top 10 hit throughout Europe. I would like to locate a clip of the original commercial. My search so far has been unsuccessful. Any help?

This is the best I could find:

Although it's in french
# 12 17 years ago

> What the f**k's the name of that piece of music from the old nescafe commercial in the 80's. Spanish sounding. You know the one (da da da da.. da da da da.. da da da da..)
> Hope that helped!!!!
> Give me some names.........................................
# 13 17 years ago

> Hi,
> I'm also looking for the same piece played in that old Nescafe Commercial.
> Please send me a link where i can download it from.Hope you reply soon.
> Regards,
> Arafat.
# 14 16 years ago

Anonymous user
La Collegiala
# 15 16 years ago

The song is "La Colegiala" (The school girl?), a cumbia performed by "Rodolfo y su Típica" (colombian goup), composed by Walter León (peruvian) (recording first in Perú by "Los Ilusionistas").
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