Who is the actor on FreeCreditReport.com commercial?
So, who is he, if he's not Sean Storm, who while I found out is a porno star, also appears to have some TV credits.
Apparently his name is actually Jon Lerner according to this post:
I would like to know who is the lead singer of the new FreeCreditReport.com commercial. The songs are funny and he is very cute as well.
He is Eric Violette, a French-Canadian actor.
i don't know his name but i don't think it is mark swenson. anyhow, whatever his name is...he's so mine!
I think Sean Storm is a total FOX ! Who cares how he sings, he's GORGEOUS !
lol He doesn't even speak english
I just read his name is eric violette I hope this helps
I just read his name is eric violette I hope this helps
He is Eric Violette, Quebec Canada
here are all three of his freecreditreport.com singing commercials. yes, he is very hot. here is the website:
im going to check and see if he has a website.
The cute guy who sings and plays the guitar on the commercials is named Eric Violette and he is a French-Canadian singer/actor. He is not Sean Storm, nor Mark Swenson, as other posts have cited. Check out www.ericviolette.com, it's in French but has great photos.
His name is Eric Violette. He's French-Canadian, and actually doesn't speak any English.
sean is from the old commercial. the new guy is Eric Violette
Could any one can say. Who is the actor on FreeCreditReport.com.
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Could any one can say. Who is the actor on FreeCreditReport.com.
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