Hi, this is the first letter I have ever written to you, and also the first time I have been on this site. So I am a little nurvious that you won't write back to me. I have been listening to your music for a long time now and I have to say I love it. Sometimes I feel so bad though you must have gone through alot, unfortunately I have also. I used to sing a long time ago but I have never been able to rap, to tell you the truth I never listened to rap until I heard you. Now I listen to the radio as much as I can to hear your songs my boyfriend and I don't have much money because we just had a baby (he is 5 months old now) and a new truck payment, plus I found out recently I have chronic back problems (that we are trying to get fixed), along with my teeth and glasses before we can get married. because then I will be on his insurance with no coverage. My boyfriend is doing all he can and he is really stressed. but when we hear your songs on the radio we sing with you. your songs let us forget about our problems and really enjoy our time together. So thank you we hope to hear more songs from you. You have touched our lives in a positive way love your forever thankful fans amber and mike