>>hi eminem >>im your bigest bigest fan >>i have pictures of you evry where >>love brianna
Eminem I am the biggest fan can you send a photo to jag95@hotmail.co.uk.
I wanted to go to the concert,so can you ceep in contact if you wright back that will be great.
This is great to even talk to you, I am going to tell people at school.
Question: How long did you know Tupac?
Could I one day meet you?
Jake Gregory (10)
> >>hi eminem > >>im your bigest bigest fan > >>i have pictures of you evry where > >>love brianna > I love you eminem
> >>hi eminem > >>im your bigest bigest fan > >>i have pictures of you evry where > >>love lavaughnya > u look so sexy (i know this will never get 2 u but just 2 know i could b talking 2u!!!!!!!!) im ur biggest fan 4 sho
> >>hi eminem > >>im your bigest bigest fan > >>i have pictures of you evry where > >>love lavaughnya > u look so sexy (i know this will never get 2 u but just 2 know i could b talking 2u!!!!!!!!) im ur biggest fan 4 sho
hi eminem im glad to talk me and my friend josh and sarah are your #1 fan . i love your music you are the best hip hop raper ever . 50 cent is my 6 favorite . please write
love your #1 fan alexis
hey, i went to ur show in Mass at the tweeter center... it was amazing... so im sittin here i just smoked a blunt and im listenin to this band that i heard on myspace um there name is HOLLYWOOD UNDEAD... they arnt really rap but they have cool beats and stuff and the lyrics are really good... they actually kinda remind me of you they kinda have the same attitude towards things... i dunno if u even read these emails but i think you should check em out... i know its random but i always like hearin new music i thought u might too...werd... so it would be cool if u wrote back tho...lata
- ashleigh
> Eminem I am the biggest fan can you send a photo to jag95@hotmail.co.uk. > > I wanted to go to the concert,so can you ceep in contact if you wright back that will be great. > > This is great to even talk to you, I am going to tell people at school. > > Question: > How long did you know Tupac? > > Could I one day meet you? > > Jake Gregory (10) >
> > >>hi eminem > > >>im your bigest bigest fan > > >>i have pictures of you evry where > > >>love lavaughnya > > u look so sexy (i know this will never get 2 u but just 2 know i could b talking 2u!!!!!!!!) > im ur biggest fan 4 sho > EMEINEM I GO THROW ALOT WITH MY FATHER BEING IN JAIL I JUST TYPE TALKED TO A FONY YOU IT WOULD BE GREAT TO TALK TO YOU ME AND MY MOM ARE YOUR BIGGEST FANS AIM ME I'M SUPERKITTEN2000
> > >>hi eminem > > >>im your bigest bigest fan > > >>i have pictures of you evry where > > >>love lavaughnya > > u look so sexy (i know this will never get 2 u but just 2 know i could b talking 2u!!!!!!!!) > im ur biggest fan 4 sho > EMEINEM I GO THROW ALOT WITH MY FATHER BEING IN JAIL I JUST TYPE TALKED TO A FONY YOU IT WOULD BE GREAT TO TALK TO YOU ME AND MY MOM ARE YOUR BIGGEST FANS AIM ME I'M SUPERKITTEN2000
> > >>hi eminem > > >>im your bigest bigest fan > > >>i have pictures of you evry where > > >>love lavaughnya > > u look so sexy (i know this will never get 2 u but just 2 know i could b talking 2u!!!!!!!!) > im ur biggest fan 4 sho > EMEINEM I GO THROW ALOT WITH MY FATHER BEING IN JAIL I JUST TYPE TALKED TO A FONY YOU IT WOULD BE GREAT TO TALK TO YOU ME AND MY MOM ARE YOUR BIGGEST FANS AIM ME I'M SUPERKITTEN2000
> Eminem I am the biggest fan can you send a photo to jag95@hotmail.co.uk. > > I wanted to go to the concert,so can you ceep in contact if you wright back that will be great. > > This is great to even talk to you, I am going to tell people at school. > > Question: > HOW DID YOU CAME AND HOW DID YOU DO TO BE A REALY GOOD SINGER? > > Could I one day meet you? > > LIL-MICK YOU ARE A REALY GOOD SINGER YOU ARE MY BIGGEST FAN,DON'T LET GO IF THIS YOUR DREAM TO BE A SINGER NEVER LET GO BECAUSE ON DAY ME TOO I WILL HEVE MY DREAM AND MY DREAM IS TO BE A SINGER TO MET YOU BUT THAT WILL BE HARD BUT I WILL TRY ME BEST TO BE A SINGER!!! PEACE >
Yo, I'm your biggest fan. I can't wait till Curtain Call comes out. I'm gonna git it on my mom's birthday, cuz that's wen it comes out! Peace out
P.S. I Love The Song STAN
> > >>hi eminem > > >>im your bigest bigest fan > > >>i have pictures of you evry where > > >>love lavaughnya > > u look so sexy (i know this will never get 2 u but just 2 know i could b talking 2u!!!!!!!!) > im ur biggest fan 4 sho > ur a rap god!!
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