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Johnny Depp to be featured on Marilyn Manson's new album

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# 1 12 years ago


I am a huge Manson fan and I am really looking forward to seeing him on May 2nd and to hear his new album. Even though his last tour sucked I have still not given up on him and I am glad I didn't because his new music sounds great along with his live performances. It has just been announced that famous actor Johnny Depp will be a guest musician on his current album "Born Villain".
For more details go to [url=]Johnny Depp To Feature On Marilyn Manson's New LP[/url][url=]New LP[/url]. Here is also the link to his new single "No Recflection" which is really cool

. So, what do you guys think of all this? Do you have faith that this album will be a good one like he promises?- MachineGunn Rita
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