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Clipland Forum Music Videos

Looking for the name of this song?

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# 1 12 years ago

I've been looking for the name of this song for ages now and the music video's all I have to go on.

It was a rather depressing song, like about reality and such, and it follows the story of this young woman with short hair, wearing a tank top, cargo pants, boots, and carrying around a huge rucksack...and she's travelling around on a bus. Loads of shots of ruined/poor cities. The main story follows how she gets this job at a diner, and when she isn't working, she'll either spend the free time in the alley behind the diner crying, or else in the dilapidated bathroom of the diner examining this huge gash on her shoulder. Flashbacks show her getting into some trouble with two guys who threaten her with a flipknife which they might've used to cut her. No idea what for.

Really hoping someone can help! Haven't had any luck so far :)
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