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Bruno Mars

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# 1 13 years ago

Who's a fan of Bruno Mars? SWRV is having a sweepstakes where fans could win a trip to Atlantis, Paradise Island, Bahamas to see Bruno Mars this Labor Day Weekend. You can enter at [You need to login to see the full URL:

ps-If you enter and win, please invite me!
# 2 13 years ago

I love Bruno Mars! I think he's gorgeous! I want to win I want to win! This is great! I am ecstatic! I want to win! Thank you so much for telling us about this!
# 3 13 years ago

Dude, don't tell anyone about it. You're just creating more entries and diminishing our chances of winning! heehee
# 4 13 years ago

Oh, I just turned 21 a month ago! I would really like to go to this! Thanks
# 5 13 years ago

That would actually be a cool 21st birthday present. You should get your friends to enter, so that they can take you if they win.

Here's a video about it:
# 6 13 years ago

Thanks for the info, I really appreciate it. I would actually invite you if I win, but my gf would be pissed.
# 7 13 years ago

This is actually a pretty epic giveaway, who or what is swrv?
# 8 13 years ago

swrv is a music video channel from Music Choice. It's all interactive, and viewers can submit user-generated content, vote for and rate videos and even takeover an entire programming block. Artists like Paramore, Ke$ha, and more have taken over the channel and played their favorite videos.
# 9 13 years ago

I know that channel. It sounds like it's what mtv is supposed to be like. That's pretty neat, I looked at their site and it seems like it's still new. As long as it doesn't include reality shows, I'm okay with it.
# 10 13 years ago

I entered! I hope I get it.
# 11 13 years ago

I've been to Atlantis before, it's a really beautiful resort. Bruno Mars would be a good act to see over there. I dig his tunes.
# 12 13 years ago

I love the song he did with eminem, it's soooo good! I'm going to enter this, so sorry if I'm shrinking your chances. Haha
# 13 13 years ago

I don't think I've ever heard any of his songs. Sounds like a cool prize, though.
# 14 13 years ago

You probably have. You know that song, "F-You", byt Cee Lo Green? Well, he co-wrote that song with him.
# 15 13 years ago

He wrote that? I love hearing stuff like that. I'm amazed by how much we don't know about certain songs. It's like movies, too. Did anyone actually know that Owen Wilson wrote the Royal Tenenbaums?
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