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Clipland Forum Music Videos

Name That Video: Synth, man&woman mannequins w ski goggles

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# 1 14 years ago

Hi all.... sorry if this is too pedestrian a question for this group, but after an hour googling to no avail I thought I'd consult the forum:

A while back I caught the tail end of a music video.... it was really synth heavy, and there were a lot of slow zooms of a male mannequin and a female mannequin wearing ski goggles and ski jackets. I think the main vocal refrain was the word 'she' but googling combos of music video + she + ski mannequins produces no useful results.

What I HAVE found is a few yahoo questions entries asking about the video I am looking for and being incorrectly steered toward other videos with mannequins. I haven't found a link to the right answer or the right song....

SOund familiar to anyone?



# 2 14 years ago


I've been trying to workout/find the same song.
Doesn't it also have a definitive "NO!" lyric in it...
let me know if you figure it out!!!


# 3 13 years ago

Clinic - Walking With Thee

found it!!!
# 4 14 years ago

Oh my god!
I have been searching for this song/clip for years also!
Now I can finally rest and enjoy this awesome song!
Thankyou thankyou thankyou!
# 5 13 years ago

Thank you!! That's the one!
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