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Clipland Forum Music Videos

Uniting Nations "Out Of Touch"

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# 1 18 years ago

Does anyone know the name of the girls in the uniting nations out of touch video from 2005. I need all the names but just supply the ones you can. If u can help post here please.
Your help would be much appreciated.
# 2 18 years ago

I think this will get difficult, as most dancers/actors/actresses in music videos are signed for the job, scouted by model agencies- and they typically remain nameless...

> Does anyone know the name of the girls in the uniting nations out of touch video from 2005. I need all the names but just supply the ones you can. If u can help post here please.
> Your help would be much appreciated.
# 3 17 years ago

> Does anyone know the name of the girls in the uniting nations out of touch video from 2005. I need all the names but just supply the ones you can. If u can help post here please.
> Your help would be much appreciated.
did u get an answer,i was wondering the same thing,especially the girl with dark hair who finds the earpiece,thanks
# 4 15 years ago

One of the girls name are sophie lovell anderson, british model.
# 5 15 years ago

Would be great if you guys could add such info to the actual entry of the promo in the Clipland database...

I just did that Uniting Nations - Out Of Touch, Sophie can be seen at runtime 1:11, for example.

More info:
# 6 15 years ago

The girl that gets up on the table is called Charleene Rena.
# 7 15 years ago

The blonde with the blue string vest on who also dances on the table is Hayley Marie Copin.
# 8 15 years ago

What is the name of male model?
# 9 14 years ago

Sorry, I can't help you, wish you good luck
# 10 14 years ago

I also think it's fine
# 11 14 years ago

WHO is the male model in the out of touch music video by uniting nations? hes so hot. please let me know!!!
# 12 14 years ago

Paul Spicer was the man in the video
Hayley Marie Coppin was one of the blonds
sophie lovell anderson was one of the burnetts
Charleene Rena was one of the burnetts

will fill out the other 2 later when i get bored kept running across people thinking that some girl was in the video and they wasn't they just wishing
# 13 11 years ago

One of the girls, Sophie Lovell Anderson
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