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# 1 19 years ago

Okay, this may be a challenge :In the mid/late 80's, MTV played a bands video, & in the video, the band is playing on the back of a flatbed truck (semi?) in the desert, or on a dusty rd. of some-sort. During the video, they have a guitar attached to a rope, & they're dragging it behind them. Also, i think the line "..take a ride on the (sugar?)train" is in the lyrics. I know that MTV used the dragging guitar part in one of their promos. I HAVE BEEN THINKING OF THIS FOR OVER 20 YRS!!! PLEASE END THE MYSTERY!!!
# 2 19 years ago

> Okay, this may be a challenge :In the mid/late 80's, MTV played a bands video, & in the video, the band is playing on the back of a flatbed truck (semi?) in the desert, or on a dusty rd. of some-sort. During the video, they have a guitar attached to a rope, & they're dragging it behind them. Also, i think the line "..take a ride on the (sugar?)train" is in the lyrics. I know that MTV used the dragging guitar part in one of their promos. I HAVE BEEN THINKING OF THIS FOR OVER 20 YRS!!! PLEASE END THE MYSTERY!!!
# 3 19 years ago

> Okay, this may be a challenge :In the mid/late 80's, MTV played a bands video, & in the video, the band is playing on the back of a flatbed truck (semi?) in the desert, or on a dusty rd. of some-sort. During the video, they have a guitar attached to a rope, & they're dragging it behind them. Also, i think the line "..take a ride on the (sugar?)train" is in the lyrics. I know that MTV used the dragging guitar part in one of their promos. I HAVE BEEN THINKING OF THIS FOR OVER 20 YRS!!! PLEASE END THE MYSTERY!!!
# 4 19 years ago

# 5 18 years ago

> Okay, this may be a challenge :In the mid/late 80's, MTV played a bands video, & in the video, the band is playing on the back of a flatbed truck (semi?) in the desert, or on a dusty rd. of some-sort. During the video, they have a guitar attached to a rope, & they're dragging it behind them. Also, i think the line "..take a ride on the (sugar?)train" is in the lyrics. I know that MTV used the dragging guitar part in one of their promos. I HAVE BEEN THINKING OF THIS FOR OVER 20 YRS!!! PLEASE END THE MYSTERY!!!
# 6 18 years ago

> Okay, this may be a challenge :In the mid/late 80's, MTV played a bands video, & in the video, the band is playing on the back of a flatbed truck (semi?) in the desert, or on a dusty rd. of some-sort. During the video, they have a guitar attached to a rope, & they're dragging it behind them. Also, i think the line "..take a ride on the (sugar?)train" is in the lyrics. I know that MTV used the dragging guitar part in one of their promos. I HAVE BEEN THINKING OF THIS FOR OVER 20 YRS!!! PLEASE END THE MYSTERY!!!
# 7 19 years ago

> Okay, this may be a challenge :In the mid/late 80's, MTV played a bands video, & in the video, the band is playing on the back of a flatbed truck (semi?) in the desert, or on a dusty rd. of some-sort. During the video, they have a guitar attached to a rope, & they're dragging it behind them. Also, i think the line "..take a ride on the (sugar?)train" is in the lyrics. I know that MTV used the dragging guitar part in one of their promos. I HAVE BEEN THINKING OF THIS FOR OVER 20 YRS!!! PLEASE END THE MYSTERY!!!
# 8 18 years ago

> Okay, this may be a challenge :In the mid/late 80's, MTV played a bands video, & in the video, the band is playing on the back of a flatbed truck (semi?) in the desert, or on a dusty rd. of some-sort. During the video, they have a guitar attached to a rope, & they're dragging it behind them. Also, i think the line "..take a ride on the (sugar?)train" is in the lyrics. I know that MTV used the dragging guitar part in one of their promos. I HAVE BEEN THINKING OF THIS FOR OVER 20 YRS!!! PLEASE END THE MYSTERY!!!
# 9 17 years ago

> Okay, this may be a challenge :In the mid/late 80's, MTV played a bands video, & in the video, the band is playing on the back of a flatbed truck (semi?) in the desert, or on a dusty rd. of some-sort. During the video, they have a guitar attached to a rope, & they're dragging it behind them. Also, i think the line "..take a ride on the (sugar?)train" is in the lyrics. I know that MTV used the dragging guitar part in one of their promos. I HAVE BEEN THINKING OF THIS FOR OVER 20 YRS!!! PLEASE END THE MYSTERY!!!
# 10 10 years ago

Candy bar express by love and momey
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