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VH1 New Music Commercial Song

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# 1 21 years ago

Does anyone know what the name of the song is that is on the VH1 New Music Commercial? It sounds kind of techno and has the verse 'hey you, what's that sound, everybody look what's going down.' Thanks in advance for your help!
# 2 21 years ago

The lyrics are strikingly similar to Buffalo Springfield's 'For What It's Worth' - song from the sixties. It may be a remake? Here are the lyrics:
# 3 21 years ago

> The lyrics are strikingly similar to Buffalo Springfield's 'For What It's Worth' - song from the sixties. It may be a remake? Here are the lyrics:
Thanks for the lyrics, but this sounds like a remake... I'd like to know who did the remake :)

# 4 21 years ago

Try this, a band called Les Rythmes Digitales has a version that has the lyrics exactly as you stated... Is this it?? There are audio samples on the page.
# 5 21 years ago

> Does anyone know what the name of the song is that is on the VH1 New Music Commercial? It sounds kind of techno and has the verse 'hey you, what's that sound, everybody look what's going down.' Thanks in advance for your help!
Yes. The music part of it (not the 'Hey, hey you...' sample) is a NYC band called Fischerspooner. The song is 'Emerge' and it's about 3 years old. I was a DJ in NYC for the past 12 years. Hope this helps.- Rustyn
# 6 21 years ago

> : Does anyone know what the name of the song is that is on the VH1 New Music Commercial? It sounds kind of techno and has the verse 'hey you, what's that sound, everybody look what's going down.' Thanks in advance for your help!
> Yes. The music part of it (not the 'Hey, hey you...' sample) is a NYC band called Fischerspooner. The song is 'Emerge' and it's about 3 years old. I was a DJ in NYC for the past 12 years. Hope this helps.- Rustyn

Rustyn, you are so awesome!!! This is the music part definitely!!!! They mixed the two together for the commercial of this and the Les Rythmes Digitales Hey you what's that sound... Cool!! Thank you for your help!!!

# 7 21 years ago

> Try this, a band called Les Rythmes Digitales has a version that has the lyrics exactly as you stated... Is this it?? There are audio samples on the page.
I think it's a mix by Fisherspooner and this song you sent me to. I wish I could find the combined version, but thank you SO much for your help on this!!! You rock!
# 8 21 years ago

> : Does anyone know what the name of the song is that is on the VH1 New Music Commercial? It sounds kind of techno and has the verse 'hey you, what's that sound, everybody look what's going down.' Thanks in advance for your help!
> Yes. The music part of it (not the 'Hey, hey you...' sample) is a NYC band called Fischerspooner. The song is 'Emerge' and it's about 3 years old. I was a DJ in NYC for the past 12 years. Hope this helps.- Rustyn
From what I know, the song is 'I Wish' by Skee-Lo...I could be wrong, but I have downloaded on my computer as that. I actually was just wondering what that song was called, as well. I saw it on the VH1 commercial and it caught my attention, so I came downstairs and just went to I typed in the lyrics that I knew (in quotation marks) and then searched it. That's always how I do it, so, for future reference, it's a lot easier! I hope that helps! ;D

# 9 21 years ago

i know that they 'hey you what's that sound...' part is from a skee-lo song called 'i wish'. this is where the lyrics came from but not the techno part. - DeAnne
# 10 21 years ago

does anyone know the name of the new vh1 commercal song it go's kinda like this yea we're looking at you go baby go baby yea were right
behind you go baby go baby....

# 11 20 years ago

does anyone know where i can download the vh1 commercial version of the 'hey you whats that sound' song? if you do please let me know! i appreciate it!
thank you, stacie
# 12 20 years ago

Tstang 91
In Reply to: Re: VH1 New Music Commercial Song posted by Rustyn L. Birch on March 19, 19103 at 01:40:58:
>> Does anyone know what the name of the song is that is on the VH1 New Music Commercial? It sounds kind of techno and has the verse 'hey you, what's that sound, everybody look what's going down.' Thanks in advance for your help!
> Yes. The music part of it (not the 'Hey, hey you...' sample) is a NYC band called Fischerspooner. The song is 'Emerge' and it's about 3 years old. I was a DJ in NYC for the past 12 years. Hope this helps.- Rustyn

Rustyn, you are so awesome!!! This is the music part definitely!!!! They mixed the two together for the commercial of this and the Les Rythmes Digitales Hey you what's that sound... Cool!! Thank you for your help!!!
The main song is Fischerspooner's Emerge (the 'hey you..' is something they mixed in, possibly Les Rythmes)
Hope that helps
# 13 21 years ago

> :> Yes. The music part of it (not the 'Hey, hey you...' sample) is a NYC band called Fischerspooner. The song is 'Emerge' and it's about 3 years old. I was a DJ in NYC for the past 12 years. Hope this helps.- Rustyn
>> From what I know, the song is 'I Wish' by Skee-Lo...I could be wrong, but I have downloaded on my computer as that. I actually was just wondering what that song was called, as well. I saw it on the VH1 commercial and it caught my attention, so I came downstairs and just went to I typed in the lyrics that I knew (in quotation marks) and then searched it. That's always how I do it, so, for future reference, it's a lot easier! I hope that helps! ;D
> I've heard the 'hey you' vox in Les Rythmes Digitales' 'Hey You (What's That Sound)', but I suppose they're probably sampled from the Skee-Lo track. I'm guessing this was just a mashup created for the commercial. Several UK adverts and radio stations use bootlegs from GHP, DSICO, Left Handed Bastard, Andreas Churchill, etc. So, it's a long-shot, but it's possible a third party pirate could have created this song, and VH1 bought the rights to air it in the commercial. However, as Viacom usually doesn't work that way, I don't think that's the case.
# 14 21 years ago

Does anyone know the name of the song that the guys on That 70's Show were playing on the Valentie's episode (Eric pulls down Donna's Pants) when they were getting high? It had no words, it was just music (rock).
# 15 21 years ago

> :> Does anyone know what the name of the song is that is on the VH1 New Music Commercial? It sounds kind of techno and has the verse 'hey you, what's that sound, everybody look what's going down.' Thanks in advance for your help!
>> Yes. The music part of it (not the 'Hey, hey you...' sample) is a NYC band called Fischerspooner. The song is 'Emerge' and it's about 3 years old. I was a DJ in NYC for the past 12 years. Hope this helps.- Rustyn
> From what I know, the song is 'I Wish' by Skee-Lo...I could be wrong, but I have downloaded on my computer as that. I actually was just wondering what that song was called, as well. I saw it on the VH1 commercial and it caught my attention, so I came downstairs and just went to I typed in the lyrics that I knew (in quotation marks) and then searched it. That's always how I do it, so, for future reference, it's a lot easier! I hope that helps! ;D
hey well i saw that commercial and i also wanted to know the name of it and my friend is a dj at a club here in miami where i live now and he told me it was by les rythmes digitales, hope that helps!if you need anymore information just email me at Ryan
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