song in Chase TV credit card commercial
I would like to know the song title in the current Chase credit card TV commercial, including the artist. (newlywed couple shown) Thanks.
> I would like to know the song title in the current Chase credit card TV commercial, including the artist. (newlywed couple shown) Thanks.
100 Years and the Artist is Five for Fighting
> I would like to know the song title in the current Chase credit card TV commercial, including the artist. (newlywed couple shown) Thanks. -------------------------------------- Answer It's on the Chase site
> I would like to know the song title in the current Chase credit card TV commercial, including the artist. (newlywed couple shown) Thanks.
> I would like to know the song title in the current Chase credit card TV commercial, including the artist. (newlywed couple shown) Thanks.
> I would like to know the song title in the current Chase credit card TV commercial, including the artist. (newlywed couple shown) Thanks. I looked this up and came up with "Five for Fighting" is the band and "100 years" is the title.
> I would like to know the song title in the current Chase credit card TV commercial, including the artist. (newlywed couple shown) Thanks.
> I would like to know the song title in the current Chase credit card TV commercial, including the artist. (newlywed couple shown) Thanks.
> I would like to know the song title in the current Chase credit card TV commercial, including the artist. (newlywed couple shown) Thanks.
> I would like to know the song title in the current Chase credit card TV commercial, including the artist. (newlywed couple shown) Thanks.
> I would like to know the song title in the current Chase credit card TV commercial, including the artist. (newlywed couple shown) Thanks.
> I would like to know the song title in the current Chase credit card TV commercial, including the artist. (newlywed couple shown) Thanks.
> I would like to know the song title in the current Chase credit card TV commercial, including the artist. (newlywed couple shown) Thanks.
> I would like to know the song title in the current Chase credit card TV commercial, including the artist. (newlywed couple shown) Thanks.
> > I would like to know the song title in the current Chase credit card TV commercial, including the artist. (newlywed couple shown) Thanks. > > > 100 Years and the Artist is Five for Fighting
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