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New Best Buy & Geek Squad Commercial Song?

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# 1 19 years ago

Well, if anyone has seen this ad and knows the song, please by all means reply to this thread. I know, there's a chance this ad uses "ad-exclusive" music that isn't for sale or download anywhere, really, but I'm just throwing it out there. It's a techno-ish song that kinda sounds like mission impossible near the end, with Best buy and geek squad logos flying around with yellow lines running around everything, geeks and best buy associates dancing, etc. Again, any ideas are more than welcome.
# 2 19 years ago

it sounds like the faint

> Well, if anyone has seen this ad and knows the song, please by all means reply to this thread. I know, there's a chance this ad uses "ad-exclusive" music that isn't for sale or download anywhere, really, but I'm just throwing it out there. It's a techno-ish song that kinda sounds like mission impossible near the end, with Best buy and geek squad logos flying around with yellow lines running around everything, geeks and best buy associates dancing, etc. Again, any ideas are more than welcome.
# 3 19 years ago

It has GOT to be the Faint....I just went looking for confrimation and found your thread. It just sounds so much like them.

> it sounds like the faint
> > Well, if anyone has seen this ad and knows the song, please by all means reply to this thread. I know, there's a chance this ad uses "ad-exclusive" music that isn't for sale or download anywhere, really, but I'm just throwing it out there. It's a techno-ish song that kinda sounds like mission impossible near the end, with Best buy and geek squad logos flying around with yellow lines running around everything, geeks and best buy associates dancing, etc. Again, any ideas are more than welcome.
# 4 19 years ago
(oops, double posted)
# 5 19 years ago

> Well, if anyone has seen this ad and knows the song, please by all means reply to this thread. I know, there's a chance this ad uses "ad-exclusive" music that isn't for sale or download anywhere, really, but I'm just throwing it out there. It's a techno-ish song that kinda sounds like mission impossible near the end, with Best buy and geek squad logos flying around with yellow lines running around everything, geeks and best buy associates dancing, etc. Again, any ideas are more than welcome.
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