Song in Vanilla Sky
I was wondering if anyone knew the name of the techno instrumental song used in Vanilla Sky during the scene where Tom Cruise is running alone through New York. It sounds mainly like a sitar is being played. I browsed the movie's soundtrack, but none of those songs matched. Any help here? Thanks!
I think maybe you are thinking of Massive Attacks 'Inertia Creeps'. It is from their ceedee 'Mezzanine'. it's orange. go pick it up. ***
: I was wondering if anyone knew the name of the techno instrumental song used in Vanilla Sky during the scene where Tom Cruise is running alone through New York. It sounds mainly like a sitar is being played. I browsed the movie's soundtrack, but none of those songs matched. Any help here? Thanks!
It's called 'From Rusholme with Love' by Mint Royale. It's not on the Vanilla Sky soundtrack, it's actually on the soundtrack for some other movie, but I can't remember which one.
> I was wondering if anyone knew the name of the techno instrumental song used in Vanilla Sky during the scene where Tom Cruise is running alone through New York. It sounds mainly like a sitar is being played. I browsed the movie's soundtrack, but none of those songs matched. Any help here? Thanks! It is from the artist Mint Royale 'From Rusholme With Love' Also used in the movie 'Get Carter'
Jeff B.
> I was wondering if anyone knew the name of the techno instrumental song used in Vanilla Sky during the scene where Tom Cruise is running alone through New York. It sounds mainly like a sitar is being played. I browsed the movie's soundtrack, but none of those songs matched. Any help here? Thanks! The name of the song is 'From Rusholme With Love' by Mint Royale. I just found it on another board mentioned in a listing of music credits from the DVD. FYI, it was also used in the soundtracks for Kung Pow: Enter the Fist, and Get Shorty.
I was wondering if anybody knows what the name of the song is in the last scene of the movie, where Tom Cruise jumps off of the building.???
> there were a couple of great songs left off the soundtrack and were unreadable on vhs. I was wondering if I could have a list of the song off the movies and not the soundtrack thanks
i wonder if some one knows the name of the song of vanilla sky in the scene of the funeral of tomç
> > there were a couple of great songs left off the soundtrack and were unreadable on vhs. I was wondering if I could have a list of the song off the movies and not the soundtrack > thanks >
Serendipity with John Cusack.
> It's called 'From Rusholme with Love' by Mint Royale. It's not on the Vanilla Sky soundtrack, it's actually on the soundtrack for some other movie, but I can't remember which one. > > >
It is Rez by Underworld from 1993
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