In the movie Just Married there was this xylophone music that was played through out the move I really want that song. Does anyone know the name of that song or who it's by I know christophe beck did the music for that movie but I can't find that song.. please help thanks
Hey, i think it's called "wedding march" by christophe beck. i also love this song and im still searching for it. I caught the words wedding march on the ending credits. Worth trying i suppose.
Thank you so much for the information! So many people have told me the name of the song and where to find it but they were all wrong...this is the real song! Its awesome
The problem is that i don't know how to buy the song, how to get it in my computer...when i go to the website u gave, the song starts to play on this black screen, there is nothing on u know what i can do?...
Christophe Beck, and its called ''Marimba Love Theme"
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